Abraham Woodliff

Photo of Abraham Woodliff
Oakland, California
Fine Dining, Comfort Food, Snacks
  • In 2016, Abraham wrote an article titled "To Understand The East Bay, You Must First Understand San Pablo Avenue," that inspired Nomadic Coffee to create an espresso blend entitled "San Pablo."
  • He wrote "Don't Drown on Dry Ground," a book of short stories and poetry.
  • Abraham co-founded Bay Area Creators to connect local influencers with non-profits in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Abraham has worked as a professional freelance writer since 2016. He founded Bay Area Memes, a popular meme page that tackles the challenges of Bay Area living with humor and class consciousness. His content has been covered by ABC News and the San Francisco Chronicle. His writing has appeared in SFGATE, The Bold Italic, and BrokeAssStuart.com, where he works as an associated editor. Abraham joined Foodie as a freelance writer in 2023.

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We strive to bring readers engaging, accurate articles that cover all their food news cravings, including daily news, original recipes, and cooking tips and tricks. To provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our team is constantly reviewing and updating articles as necessary. More information on our editorial process is available here.

Stories By Abraham Woodliff