What Happens When You Drink Coffee Before Eating?

Coffee brewing methods date back to the 16th century, and the energizing drink has been an integral part of countless lives for centuries. For many, the day truly has not begun until they have a cup of coffee; This caffeinated beverage may even take precedence over breakfast, the most important meal of the day. But even though it puts breakfast on the back burner for a bit, drinking coffee before eating isn't an inherently bad decision — and it can even come with some benefits.


Whether it's a hearty, nutritious meal or a simple cup of black coffee, the digestive tract comes to life when there's something to absorb. If coffee is the only thing present, the caffeine can feel more potent than it would be when consumed with a meal, and become more effective at jumpstarting the day. Whether you drink it with a meal, or not, coffee can also boost your metabolism while impacting the bacteria in the gut. Along the lines of TikTok's Rice Krispie Treats workout trend, the extra kick that comes with coffee on an empty stomach makes it an effective pre-workout snack, as well.

How your body could react to your coffee

Coffee wakes up the digestive system and is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. While the stomach produces acid to aid the process, the pancreas and bile ducts are also busy releasing hormones to break down and digest the coffee. The very presence of coffee in the digestive tract also triggers the colon, explaining why a bathroom break often follows a cup of coffee.


But coffee may also relax your throat muscles, potentially inducing acid reflux or heartburn. For some, the heightened efficacy of caffeine on an empty stomach may result in anxious jitters and diarrhea due to the mild, yet stimulating laxatives in caffeine. While others might connect increased stomach acid and an empty stomach to the development of ulcers, research shows that coffee and ulcers are not linked.

At the end of the day, your body will react to your coffee ritual in its own way. The key thing to keep in mind is that as long as it doesn't bother you, coffee can be enjoyed on an empty stomach. Now that you know what happens when you drink coffee before you eat, it's time to learn what exactly is in that cup of instant coffee.


