The Kitchen Tools That Make Better Fried Eggs Fast

While fried eggs are some of the easiest breakfast foods to cook, there are also many ways to make them better. Luckily, Nelson Serrano-Bahri, chef and Director of Innovation at the American Egg Board, has some game-changing kitchen tool recommendations that, with just a bit of preparation as you assemble them, will make your fried eggs better in no time at all!


Whether sunny side up or over-easy, some of the best fried eggs are prepared in a non-stick pan or well-seasoned cast-iron skillet. According to Serrano-Bahri, "A non-stick pan makes flipping or sliding eggs onto a plate easy. A cast-iron skillet, when seasoned well, can also work beautifully and help fried eggs develop a slightly crispier base." 

You can even embrace spontaneity by adding in some key ingredients and also utilizing unexpected tools like a metal ring mold. This tool in particular results in better aesthetics and an easier cooking process. "These are great for making perfectly round fried eggs for sandwiches or controlled portions of soft scrambled eggs," Serrano-Bahri explained, "Simply place a greased metal ring in the pan and crack an egg into it." These aren't all the tricks our expert brings to the table; read on for more!


Fried and true tools for perfectly cooked eggs

As for actually getting the eggs out of the pan, Serrano-Bahri recommended a fish spatula, which "has a thin, flexible edge that helps gently lift and transfer delicate fried eggs without breaking the yolk. A slotted spoon is also great for lifting eggs out of hot oil if you're making Spanish-style fried eggs." And if you're looking to make Spanish-style fried eggs, a simple spoon or silicone basting brush is a smart choice to achieve this style. "Spooning or brushing hot oil over the whites ensures they cook evenly while achieving crispy edges," explained Serrano-Bahri. Once the eggs are perfectly cooked and crispy, a slotted spoon makes lifting eggs out of hot oil an easy task.


Regardless of how you are frying your eggs, a lid or splatter screen works wonders for keeping your cooking space — and yourself — clean. Besides preventing oil or butter from hopping out of the pan, Serrano-Bahri emphasized that a lid will even help produce the perfect fried egg with a runny yolk. "Covering the pan with a lid helps steam the eggs slightly, setting the whites without overcooking the yolks," he said.

