What Time Does Costco's Food Court Actually Close?

Face it: Grabbing a snack at the food court is one of the best parts of a trip to Costco. Getting discount prices on bulk toilet paper and visiting the automotive center are great, but who doesn't live for Costco food court hacks like sticking a hot dog in a croissant to imitate pigs in a blanket, and knowing how to score a free topping upgrade on Costco pizza? In fact, eating a cheap meal at the food court might be worth the price of admission — meaning the crowded parking lot and hordes of people; not necessarily the membership cost — even if you don't actually have anything on your shopping list. That's why it's important to know the hours that the Costco food court is open. No point in wasting a trip!


The good news is that, for most stores, Costco food court hours follow those of the main store, which are 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday; and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. Obviously, hours can vary based on your local club, holiday schedules, and other special events, so make sure you double-check before leaving home. Still, it's a pretty safe bet that the food court will be open if the store is — and that it won't close until the main doors do.

The unspoken rules of Costco food court etiquette

Given the wild amount of hot dogs Costco sells every year, it's likely that the food court will have those luscious all-beef franks available first thing in the morning, and last thing before it closes. Still, try to have patience with food court employees and remember that they are human. If you go running to the ordering kiosk as soon as the doors open, don't be surprised if your order takes a few extra minutes to dish up. In a similar way, don't be that jerk who creates a ticket for four whole pizzas five minutes before closing time. A little courtesy goes a long way.


As for other Costco food court manners, the internet has a lot to say. Is it rude to have one member of your party hold a table while someone else is waiting for the food, which can take a long time? Employees won't reprimand you, but according to at least one forum, another shopper might. Should you let other lone diners share a table if you are a single pringle? According to Reddit, the consensus is yes. Everyone agrees that you should keep your cart parked tight against your table to stay out of the way and make sure you bus your own trash. From open to close, a little politeness to your fellow food court denizens shows that you are a good person — who appreciates the iconic $1.50 Costco hot dog.


