The Chick-Fil-A Ordering Mistake You Probably Make With Milkshakes

With all the appetizing chicken sandwiches available at Chick-fil-A, it is easy to forget that there is more on the menu than just poultry. The restaurant occasionally rotates in limited-time offers and its Chick-fil-A sauce is one of a kind, but the chain also has something for your sweet tooth behind the counter. Milkshakes have long been a staple accompaniment to a quick meal at Chick-fil-A ... although ordering a large would be a mistake.


The chicken chain offers a variety of flavors for milkshakes, including vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, with a seasonal Peppermint Chip flavor typically available during the holiday season. However, each of these options only comes in one 14-ounce size. Of course, this wasn't always the case. Well before Chick-fil-A was putting together its own streaming platform, it let patrons choose between a small, medium, and large milkshake of any kind. Unsurprisingly, the one-size-fits-all approach to folks' sugar fix didn't go over well with some customers, and the restaurant has been dealing with the blowback ever since.

The milkshake change may have been a mistake

While Chick-fil-A reasoned that going to a uniform milkshake size simplified the menu and made room for other menu options down the road, customers weren't buying it. On one Reddit thread, some commenters blasted the move as a ploy to charge more for milkshakes. "Why do 2 sizes need to be 'simplified?'" one Reddit user wrote. Another disgruntled milkshake fan noted that they "wouldn't mind the only option being the small if they didn't decide to keep it the price of the large."


It wasn't long after Chick-fil-A made its controversial change to milkshake sizes that a petition emerged, pleading with the company to bring back its large option. The petition hasn't gained much traction — garnering just 650 signatures in four years — but that hasn't stopped some from hoping for the best. Who knows, maybe patrons will be ordering large milkshakes from Chick-fil-A's Little Blue Menu location as the concept grows.

