Here's What Time Burger King Stops Serving Breakfast

Only a few souls out there relish the thought of waking up early without some type of reward. For some, that reward comes in the form of a handcrafted drink from Starbucks, but for others, caffeine just isn't enough. A tasty morning meal can certainly do the trick. If your ideal breakfast comes from Burger King, the motivation to kick yourself out of bed can stem from the fact that you can generally only get those enticing Croissan'wiches until 10:30 a.m.


Hours of operation vary between franchises, but your typical BK opens its doors at 6:00 a.m. to start serving breakfast. At most locations, the switch over to the lunch menu occurs at 10:30 a.m., although some have been reported to extend morning service to 11:00 a.m. You can find the exact hours of your local restaurant by stopping in and asking an employee or by checking the chain's app.

Burger King's breakfast time frame is similar to other burger joints that offer a morning menu, including BK's biggest competitor, McDonald's. However, there have been rumors that McDonald's might bring back all-day breakfast. This development has some folks wondering once again as to why burger chains don't serve breakfast all day.


Why Burger King stops serving breakfast

Those unfamiliar with the inner workings of the restaurant industry often wonder why breakfast can't be offered all day at establishments better known for burgers than sausages. The truth is, it mostly comes down to simplifying operations. While every restaurant is a little different, many don't have enough space to hold the food for both menus simultaneously. There is only so much room in any restaurant kitchen, meaning breakfast items have to make way for lunch and dinner rushes.


Axing the morning menu options also speeds up service for people with limited time for food on their lunch breaks, which is why McDonald's stopped serving all-day breakfast in the first place. Burger King is in the business of making customers happy, and if they are waiting too long for a Whopper, the company isn't achieving that goal. There is always a possibility that Burger King will figure out the logistics to make all-day breakfast work. But for now, you still need to pull yourself out of bed in a timely fashion if you want to enjoy a Croissan'wich.

