Here's Why Costco Might Not Have Extra Inventory 'In The Back'
One advantage Costco holds over its competitors is it typically has more floor space available to display all your favorite staples. From butter to batteries, the retailer prides itself on being a one-stop-shopping destination for all its patrons. Yet that's not to say it always has every item you are looking for stocked on its shelves. If something is missing, that doesn't necessarily indicate the merchandise you want has joined the ranks of foods Costco has stopped selling, but you might have to go without it for the time being. Oh, and if you think asking a staffer to check the back for availability will fix the problem — think again.
While asking a staff member to check the storage area for availability works in some smaller supermarkets, the big-box warehouse is literally that: a warehouse. The store puts what it brings in out on the warehouse floor for all to see, meaning there simply isn't a hidden back area where hordes of goods are waiting to make their debut. With a few exceptions, what you see is what you get when perusing the shelves at Costco. However, if you notice something on your shopping list is not available at the moment, there is a way to get it — only, doing so may not the most conducive to your schedule.
What to do if Costco seems to be out of something
Occasionally, you might notice the item you are looking for sitting on a pallet towering over the reachable shelves, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is available for purchase at the moment. Costco staffers rarely bring a forklift onto the floor during shopping hours, and not solely to get a customer one thing on their grocery list. Although it may be an answer some won't want to hear, the truth is if there is a gap in the aisle where your favorite goods should be, your best bet is to wait until the next day. Then, thanks to some overnight restocking, the item will likely be back where it belongs. It may not be the most convenient option, but it is likely your only recourse.
If you can plan ahead, shopping in the morning is the ideal way to take advantage of overnight restocking. If you get in before other customers, you should have no trouble finding what you need ... well, unless it has been discontinued like so many of Costco's food court items over the years. The early bird gets the worm, as they say, and timely Costco shoppers can more readily get their hands on popular merchandise before the store runs out.