The Discontinued Hostess Brownies That Were Made For Candy Lovers

In July 2016, Hostess teamed up with Mars Chocolate North America to produce two legendary combinations of a brownie and candy bar: Hostess Brownies made with Milky Way pieces and Hostess Brownies with M&M's. The former features a standard Hostess brownie topped off with caramel icing and Milky Way pieces, and the latter features M&M's mixed into the brownie itself, which is also topped off with chocolate fudge frosting and milk chocolate M&M's. If you have already experienced the delight that adding excess candy to baked goods brings, you might be extra interested in these chocolatey snacks.


Unfortunately, if you wanted to try these brownies out for yourself, you would need a time machine because they are out of stock everywhere. Exactly when Hostess stopped producing these candy-infused dessert snacks is unknown, but there is no hint that they will return soon. Unlike the close call with Twinkies, a Hostess snack that was nearly discontinued, the Milky Way and M&M's brownies were actually discontinued sometime after their launch.

Fans felt there was room for improvement

While they were not here for long, the Milky Way and M&M's brownies certainly left an impact. The combination of candy and brownies was certainly dream-worthy, but these discontinued Hostess products left a sadness in our memories about what they could have been. While the vision was there, many dreamers were disappointed with its execution once they tasted these snacks themselves.


These brownies certainly delivered on the promise of a chocolatey experience, but some fans found the texture more dry and cakey than they hoped it would be. The Milky Way brownies, in particular, received negative feedback on their appearance, which was a far cry from the image printed on the box. The M&M's brownie, on the other hand, resembled the box image pretty well; however, some fans felt that the crunchy candy was the highlight of an otherwise subpar brownie.

Apart from the texture, these brownies certainly showed great potential. Fans felt that mixing more M&M's in and topping the brownies off with more chunks of Milky Way candy would make these desserts even better. Unless they make a comeback, these Hostess snacks will rest alongside the Little Debbie dessert you probably forgot existed in the brownie afterlife.


