The TikTok Hack That Makes Canned Cinnamon Rolls Gooier
It is hard to resist a fragrant, warm cinnamon roll when it's right in front of you. Whether they have been cooked in a waffle maker or baked into a disc-like dessert, the flavor is there: a perfect balance of sweet frosting with a pop of earthy cinnamon. The only thing missing is that signature but elusive cinnamon roll gooeyness that makes taste buds swoon. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can achieve this dreamy, creamy texture even with canned store-bought cinnamon rolls.
All you need to pull off this simple viral hack for even gooier cinnamon rolls is heavy whipping cream and a tall casserole or baking dish. After laying the uncooked cinnamon rolls side by side in the dish, pour heavy whipping cream over the cinnamon rolls until it spills into the spaces between them. For an additional burst of cinnamon sweetness, you can also brush a mixture of melted butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon onto the tops of the rolls.
The ooey-gooey details
On TikTok, food influencer and cookbook author Katie Cross shared a version of this viral canned cinnamon roll hack that elevates the sweet treats in both texture and flavor. The heavy whipping cream is the key to perfectly gooey store-bought cinnamon rolls that can rival homemade ones, but be sure not to overpour. When adding the heavy whipping cream, it should reach about half the height of the cinnamon rolls. While this ingredient is reliable for achieving an incredibly creamy texture in baked goods, there are also many expert-approved substitutions for heavy cream if you need a dairy-free version of this hack.
@cookingwithkatiecross This simple hack will make your cinnamon rolls 10x better!! I hope y'all enjoy!! 🔥🔥 #food #foodie #quickrecipes #cinnamonroll #hack #easyrecipe
After the bake is finished, Cross adds the frosting the canned cinnamon rolls come with and drizzles her own frosting made with powdered sugar, vanilla, and milk on top. Once the finishing touches are complete, the soft, gooey cinnamon rolls are ready to be enjoyed. If you are pleased with these revamped canned cinnamon rolls, you might also find success in taking canned biscuits to the next level, too.