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How Long Does It Take For Canned Coconut Milk To Go Bad In The Fridge?

Many recipes call for less than a full can of coconut milk. To avoid food waste, it's a good idea to use it before it goes bad. The question is: How long after opening should that can of coconut milk be discarded?


A few tips can help you remember when you need to discard coconut milk. First, pour the leftovers into an airtight, sealable container and label it with the date you need to toss it out before putting it away in the fridge. Stored properly, canned coconut milk will stay fresh for three to four days after opening, giving you plenty of time to whip up a pot of delicious Tom Kha Gai.

When you're ready to use your leftover coconut milk, don't be alarmed to find it has separated. The fat will naturally separate from the liquid when it's cold. Just whisk it to combine, or use an immersion blender if necessary. The milk should re-mix easily and will be ready to add to your recipe. The solids from refrigerated coconut milk are also a great way to make a plant-based heavy cream.


Freezing leftovers to avoid waste

Leftover canned coconut milk can be frozen to extend its life. Pour it into a freezer bag or another airtight container, date it, and pop it in the freezer. Frozen coconut milk should keep for about one month. Silicone cubes like Souper Cubes' 1 cup freezer molds are not necessary but a great way to freeze pre-portioned amounts of coconut milk.


Whether you refrigerate or freeze it, if you find your leftover canned coconut milk smells or tastes strange despite following our tips, don't take any chances by using it. Not only could it ruin the dish you're adding it to, but it could make you sick. Discard the coconut milk if you suspect it has spoiled.

Good quality canned coconut milk (Trader Joe's brand made our list of the chain's canned goods worth stocking up on) will last a long time unopened in the pantry. You can expect to be able to safely use it for two to five years. As always, check the manufacturer's expiration dates for more precise information.

