Boost Your Omelet's Protein With One Canned Addition

While protein is a priority in meals for many athletes and fitness influencers, it's also catching on with the everyday consumer, with studies indicating that more and more Americans are looking to add extra protein to their meals. Whether it's breakfast or dessert, it may seem as if people everywhere are trying to figure out how to fit more protein into their daily diet.


But why make things complicated with additional powders and protein-boosted products? And why spend a whole lot of extra money to do it? Enter the technique of adding canned chicken to omelets. While eggs are already a good source of protein, many people may wish to take it even further. Opening a can of chicken can add not only that extra protein you're looking for but can also bring additional flavor and texture to this classic breakfast dish.

How to make an omelet with canned chicken

While making an omelet may seem like a piece of cake, it's a little more complicated if you want to do it right. To avoid one of the mistakes everyone makes when cooking an omelet, first start with fresh eggs for the best flavor. Once you've got your eggs, crack them into a bowl and whisk until the yolk and white are combined. Season with salt and add to a preheated nonstick pan.


Before adding canned chicken to the eggs, drain and pat the chicken dry. If you've got a bit of extra time and an additional pan, you may also wish to sauté canned chicken briefly for more flavor and texture. Once the chicken is ready and the eggs are slightly set, add your chicken and finish the omelet.

While canned chicken is the ultimate protein hack, other ingredients like spinach, tomatoes, onions, or even shredded cheese will give it another flavor boost. And if you're feeling even more experimental, instead of making an omelet in a traditional frying pan, try going another route by making omelet muffins.

