How Long Sake Is Good For Once It's Been Opened

To fully appreciate its earthy, layered taste, the rice-based, fermented beverage known as sake should be savored. But how long is sake good for once it's been opened? Typically, if the bottle is capped and refrigerated, sake can be drunk up to two weeks after opening. Still, it's best to consume sake within a week (or even a few days) after opening the bottle so you can enjoy optimal flavor and limited oxidization. Otherwise, the sake can lose some of the tasting notes that give it such unique character.


To maximize freshness and flavor, it's also important to adequately store sake. Unlike bourbon, which can theoretically sit around for decades, the contents of a sake bottle should be consumed within two years of purchase or they are at risk of spoiling before the first pour. 

Before sake bottles are opened, store bottles in a cool place (no warmer than room temperature), away from sunlight, and standing upright. Once opened, be sure to refrigerate the bottle within a few hours. Sake is best served chilled, anyway.

How to make sure your sake is still good

What if you've opened up your bottle of sake and stored it in the fridge, but have forgotten how long it's been there? The telltale signs of spoiled sake are smell, color, and taste. Sake is typically a clear or light wheat shade, so if it's turned a darker yellow hue, that could indicate spoilage. 


Then, there's taste. Sake can come in a diverse range of flavors, ranging from earthy and umami to sharp and pungent, and even sweet and fruity. However, if spoiled, the sake can have an off taste that is at best a bit sour and, at worst, will taste like mildew or strong vinegar.

If spoilage has already occurred there's not much that can be done. At this point, it's best to discard the contents of the bottle and learn from your mistakes. Next time, keep track of when the sake was opened and ensure it is consistently refrigerated until fully consumed. Minimizing exposure to oxygen is also important, so avoid leaving it open for too long.

