What Flavor Is Juicy Fruit Gum Actually Supposed To Be?
The flavor of Juicy Fruit gum has been a mystery to fans for decades, sparking plenty of debate about what makes this gum so unique. Many people believe it tastes like jackfruit, a fruit native to southern and southeast Asia and known for its tropical, sweet flavor and somewhat gummy texture. A fully ripe jackfruit has a complex, mildly sweet flavor with hints of banana, mango, and even bubblegum (the immature fruit is sometimes used as a vegan meat replacement). When you chew Juicy Fruit, it's easy to see why people think the gum mimics jackfruit: both have that soft sweetness without leaning too heavily toward one fruit or another, creating a mysterious blend that feels both familiar and unusual.
Now, that's not exactly definitive, but for many that's a pretty good guess. And, while we're here, don't get jackfruit mixed up with durian. They both have a similar spiky outer peel, but if you've ever smelled the pungent, unmistakable odor of an overripe durian, you're very much aware that Juicy Fruit gum has nothing to do with it.
A juicy (and sweet) history
Juicy Fruit was introduced in the late 1800s by the Wrigley Company. From the beginning, Wrigley played up its unique taste while keeping the exact flavor profile closely-guarded. Some experts believe the gum's formula includes a mix of banana, peach, pineapple, and apricot flavors, although Wrigley has never confirmed this. The idea that Juicy Fruit tastes like jackfruit gained traction as global awareness of jackfruit grew. Jackfruit's availability in international grocery stores and its popularity in plant-based cooking has made it more recognizable, and so fans began to notice that Juicy Fruit's flavor resembles the jackfruit's subtle, tropical blend.
This growing popularity has made people wonder if jackfruit might have been the original inspiration all along. Whether you think Juicy Fruit tastes like jackfruit or a mysterious blend of tropical fruits, one thing is clear: the gum's flavor has remained essentially unchanged for more than a century. It has a timeless quality that continues to captivate gum lovers, keeping them guessing with each chew.
So, the next time you unwrap a stick of Juicy Fruit, see if you can pick out the jackfruit notes — or perhaps you'll discover a new flavor profile all your own. Perhaps you'll detect rambutan or lychee notes or pick out some Pinkglow pineapple. Whatever you taste, Juicy Fruit's flavor remains as intriguing and enjoyable today as it was over 100 years ago.