The Mistake You're Probably Making When Storing Canned Goods

Did you know there's a right and wrong way to store canned goods? Whether you're prepping your fridge and pantry for the next winter storm or simply putting away the results of your latest grocery run, most people simply purchase these items and chuck them into the pantry, with little thought given to how they're placed. If you have a small kitchen with limited storage, it's logical to simply stack jars or cans on top of one another. After all, manufacturers construct cans with an elevated rim allowing them to be piled like Legos. Sadly, consumers aren't told that this could actually be bad for long-term storage.


Stacking cans on top of each other works for two cans, but adding a third or more could spell trouble. That's because the extra weight may result in a dented or warped can. According to the USDA, small dents could be safe and are likely nothing more than a cosmetic issue, but a sharp one on the top or on a side seam could permit bacteria to get inside and start to grow. No one wants a helping of botulism with their canned peas.

The best ways to store canned goods

Even if storage space is limited, there are much better ways to keep your pantry stocked and organized without risking breaching the can and a potential future case of food poisoning. Consider using an organizer with tiered risers, using a lazy Susan, or even a can dispenser. Adding wire racks to the doors of your pantry might also give you the space needed. Whatever you do, store your canned goods in your pantry with thoughtfulness and some caution.


You also ought to consider a key temperature mistake that could make canned food unsafe. If the walls of your pantry are next to an appliance that generates heat (say, a dishwasher or stove) find a better spot to keep canned goods, as these appliances will cause the temperature inside the cupboard to rise from time to time. What's more, escaping moisture from the dishwasher could encourage mold and rust.

Besides properly arranging your canned goods, it's important to rotate newer purchases with older ones. Recently purchased products should go behind existing ones so you use items before they expire. And, while you're at it, it doesn't hurt to give the can lids a quick wash to banish any lingering bacteria or debris.


