How Long Is Goat Cheese Good For After Opening It?

The slightly pungent aroma and tangy, earthy flavor of goat cheese makes it one of these foods that you will either love or hate. Still, this cheese is certainly worth trying since it is so easy to fall in love with it. Those who are passionate about getting the most out of a portion of goat cheese have no doubt pondered the question of how long they can keep this dairy product around.


The truth is that time is limited. The moisture in soft cheeses like goat cheese means its shelf life is much shorter than hard varieties, with goat cheese in particular only lasting for about seven days after it is opened. Ensuring that goat cheese is stored properly could push the shelf life of your goat cheese beyond its usual one-week lifespan, ensuring it can make multiple appearances with other ingredients on charcuterie nights.

While it is fine for goat cheese to be wrapped in plastic if it will be consumed quickly, when you want to enjoy the cheese throughout the week it is best to wrap it firstly in butcher or wax paper (or dedicated cheese paper if you have it), then secondly in foil. The wrapping should be loose so that the cheese is protected while also being prevented from drying out. Once secured and protected, the cheese can be refrigerated. Avoid the door of the fridge, which experiences the greatest temperature swings as you open and close the appliance.


Freezing goat cheese is an option

Even the most devoted goat cheese enthusiasts have a limit to how much goat cheese they can consume in a couple weeks. So, if you have come into possession of more cheese you can consume before it spoils, freezing it is a safe bet. To properly freeze goat cheese it should be sealed in a heavy-duty freezer bag. The cheese should also be wrapped in heavy-duty aluminum foil or plastic freezer wrap, as fats can all too easily pick up unpleasant freezer odors if not properly sealed away.


If frozen in a deep freezer at zero degrees Fahrenheit, goat cheese could last indefinitely; otherwise, frozen goat cheese will usually retain its quality for approximately two months in a standard kitchen freezer. While goat cheese tends to lose some of its flavor and take on a more crumbly texture when frozen, it is still a valuable ingredient for dishes like goat cheese pasta or even an expertly-cooked cast iron skillet pizza once it thaws out.

Regardless of what you wrap the goat cheese in or whether you will freeze or refrigerate it, you can take safe storage up another level by keeping it in a drawer or on a shelf above any raw proteins that may contaminate it. Lastly, if any signs of spoilage, such suspicious smells or appearances, or mold emerge, throw the goat cheese out immediately.


