The Boozy Addition That Amps Up Basic Scrambled Eggs

Usually kicking up the flavor of a basic scrambled eggs recipe means adding a spice or two, some cream, a sprinkling of cheese, or tossing in some bacon or sausage. But have you ever considered adding a dash of beer? No, this isn't permission to guzzle a pint with your morning meal. And it's not necessarily all about altering the taste associated with plain eggs.


Of course, this tip could come as a bit of a shock. After all, why would anyone want to add beer to eggs? Well, cooks have pepped up their chilis and stews with the alcoholic drink for years. It's also been added to all manner of breads and dips. So, why not eggs? With the right balance and variety of beer, you can add an additional level of flavor that won't overwhelm the final dish. And, thanks to carbonation, this addition could also boost the body of the eggs.

What does beer do for eggs?

It only takes a small amount (about one tablespoon per every three eggs) to deepen the flavor of scrambled eggs. Whisking the eggs traps the carbonation from the beer so that, as the eggs cook, the bubbles expand and help to create a lightweight texture. The result: fluffy and moist eggs.


What about the taste? Well, that depends upon the beer you use. If you want a light and refreshing flavor, try using a pilsner or wheat beer. To really elevate the taste, you can add ingredients like peppers, cheese, and sausage. If you're okay with a more hoppy, bitter edge, and IPA might be just the thing. Besides spicing up your morning fare, beer might just offer you a few health benefits, assuming, of course, that you're an adult consuming it in moderation. Per the scientific journal Nutrients, the average beer contains carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals like potassium and calcium, along with the vitamin folic acid.

