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Winter Is Coming: How To Prepare Your Fridge And Pantry For The Next Storm

Snowcapped trees and shimmering icicles can be a beautiful sight during the colder months of the year, but winter also has a habit of decimating certain areas with raging storms. These storms can sometimes leave people without power or a means of reaching a store if they are in need of essentials. Thankfully, there is usually some warning that a winter storm is approaching, giving folks time to prepare.


If you think your region is about to get hit with a destructive winter storm, it is a good idea to hope for the best and plan for the worst. Although it is unlikely you will be without power or communication for that long, FEMA recommends keeping a two-week supply of food and water to be on the safe side. Know also that items in your fridge will only stay cold for approximately four hours if the power goes out, so frantically filling your refrigerator before a potentially destructive storm isn't going to be much help. Instead, look for shelf-stable foods that can live in your pantry.

Items like canned veggies (including some seriously flavorful ones) and soups will last until things are back to normal. Bread for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches should last about a week, and foods like highly-rated Bumble Bee canned tuna and chicken will give you some much-needed protein as you try to stay warm. It is also a good idea to grab some comfort food. Being snowed in and without power is a stressful situation, and having some food options that can bring you a few minutes of joy can help keep your spirits up.


Don't forget beverages and items in your freezer

You will also want to store some beverages ahead of time. A gallon of water per person is a good start for hydration purposes, but you may also want to set aside some coffee and tea. Additionally, if the power does go out, having a French press to make coffee will feel like a lifesaver. Just like food, keep a two-week supply of water and other beverages on hand just in case.


If the power does go out your freezer food is only safe for so long. When your freezer is full, it should keep food cold for up to 48 hours – 24 hours if it's only half-full. That gives you enough time to use some of it up in the worst-case scenario before you move on to your pantry items. You can also pack ice into your freezer to extend that timeframe a bit. However, if any foods from the fridge or freezer look or smell off as you consider eating them, or they are warm when they shouldn't be, don't take any chances. As the old saying goes: When in doubt, throw it out.

