Why A Splash Of Distilled Water Enhances The Flavor Of Whiskey
You may think those who don't like the taste of whiskey are the ones who add water to it in an attempt to dilute it. However, America's Test Kitchen discovered that adding a splash of water to a serving of whiskey actually enhances the flavor. Just like most great discoveries, there's science behind it.
The water used in this informal experiment wasn't just any water. It was distilled water — the same kind you may use in your clothes iron — which has had just about everything but the H₂0 removed. In other words, common components like metals and minerals that are present in tap water are removed during the distillation process, resulting in purified water.
What does this have to do with tasting whiskey like a pro? That's where the science comes in. When water is added to whiskey, the molecules that give the spirit its distinct flavor and smell are released. Because distilled water lacks minerals or other components that can affect taste, the only flavors and aromas present are those of the whiskey.
Advice for adding water to whiskey
When tap water is used to dilute your beverage, the flavor molecules of the whiskey are activated, but so too are the flavors contained in the water. Tap water can pick up the taste of anything it's been in contact with, from the pipes that delivered it to your kitchen to the pitcher you stored it in. Whether or not you like that extra taste is up to you, but it can interfere with fully appreciating the taste and aroma of the whiskey on its own.
Ultimately, the amount of water you should add to whiskey is subjective. Add it gradually in very small amounts and taste as you go. You should stop when you no longer feel the burn of the alcohol. At that time, the whiskey will be in full bloom, meaning all its unique flavors can be detected (perhaps with a bit of training and attention to the characteristics of different types of whiskey).
If you want to try this at home and prefer your whiskey on the rocks, be sure to use distilled water in your ice cube tray and make sure the tray is clean and free of freezer debris. Nobody wants to taste that in their whiskey. You might also consider expert-recommended tips for using whiskey stones the correct way to avoid further dilution of your drink.