Marshmallows Are The Sweet Mix-In To Improve Boxed Cake Mix
You may not have known that the history of marshmallows goes even further back than the oldest restaurants in the world. In fact, marshmallows have a long history tracing back to ancient Egypt, so it's only natural that dessert lovers over the past few millennia have come up with countless creative ways to enjoy these fluffy sweets.
The most significant change to marshmallows took place in the late 1800s, when its main ingredient, mallow root, was swapped with gelatin. This change resulted in a more stable confection and a more efficient marshmallow-making process. Later on, in the mid-1900s, marshmallows became even more popular in the United States
That popularity has remained constant, to the point that Americans are now considered the primary consumers of marshmallows. When so many marshmallow fans come together, some great ideas for using them are created. Marshmallows are destined to add their sweetness to more than a cup of hot chocolate or a campfire s'more; they are the must-have sweet that easily lends a pleasantly gooey texture to boxed cake mix.
How does this mix-in maximize sweetness?
Marshmallows certainly have earned a place amongst the underrated ingredients you should be adding to boxed cake mix because of the chewy, gooey texture they add to the cake as they melt during baking. Once you have stirred the marshmallows into the batter and put it in the oven, all you need to do is wait. This cake is best served warm since, as the dessert cools, the gooey effect of the marshmallows may lessen.
This is because of the gelatin. When the gelatin in the marshmallows melts during the bake, its proteins disperse through the batter. This means that mini marshmallows are better suited to the job, as they more evenly distribute that gelatin that larger marshmallows. Yet, when the cake falls below 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the gelatin begins to firm up again (this is what makes it one of the best egg substitutes when you need a binding agent). Once your cake has thoroughly cooled it will be firmer than it would be without marshmallows in the batter.