The Easy Way You Can Get Discontinued Aldi Products Back On The Shelves

Some folks shop at the Aldi for staples they can't find anywhere else. But there's nothing more disappointing than walking into the German-owned store and realizing one of your favorite products is no longer on the shelves. However, according to an employee, you don't have to concede to your prized items being gone for good.


On the subreddit r/Aldi, an employee with the retailer created an "Ask me anything" thread for anyone with questions about the discount grocer. People were eager to engage with the worker to get the skinny on the inner workings of the business. Some asked about which products to buy and which to avoid at Aldi, but one commenter inquired about something they could no longer find at their local store.

The insider said the product the person was interested in should still be available, but if it was to be discontinued, there is a way to get it back. At the bottom of every Aldi receipt is a link to a "Tell Aldi" survey. The employee said telling the company you want specific merchandise on the shelves can influence the store to stock it. They wrote, "If more and more people say they want a certain item, they will probably start carrying it." By filling out the survey, you are also entered into a raffle for a $100 gift card. So, there's a chance your favorite discontinued product could return, and you could get it virtually for free.


How to tell an Aldi item might be on its way out

While it seems like some fan favorites get discontinued without any notice, there are some clues revealing an item might be going away if you've got a keen eye. If you ever see a handwritten or printed "D" on the price tag of a product you enjoy, that's a sign you might want to stock up on it. The "D" stands for discontinued and means what you see on the shelf might be the last of the inventory the store has available.


Besides stockpiling an item that might be seeing its last days at Aldi, seeing the "D" on the price tag also lets you know it may be worth taking a few moments to fill out the "Tell Aldi" survey in hopes you can save it from its impending fate. You can also ask one of the employees if there is comparable merchandise that would work as a substitute should your pleas to keep it on the shelf go unheard. Inaction won't do anything to salvage your favorite items, so be proactive if you see the "D" on the price tag of an Aldi staple and cross your fingers that it can be rescued.

Companies bring back discontinued items all the time

Companies terminating certain products is nothing new, but it's not uncommon for them to return due to customer demand. When Twinkies were almost discontinued forever, the passionate response from disgruntled shoppers influenced Apollo Group Management and Metropoulos & Co. to buy the IP from Hostess for $400 million. As a result of consumer interest, you can still buy Twinkies in many grocery stores around the country.


Burger King's Chicken Fries were a hit for a spell but were sadly nixed in 2012. After the fast-food chain began receiving responses every 40 seconds on social media regarding the disappearance of the beloved side dish, it decided to bring them back in 2014. Chicken Fries are still accessible today because of impassioned BK patrons.

There are plenty of discontinued snacks from the '90s, but one that made a comeback was Dunkaroos. The iconic snack was scrapped in 2012, but following pleas for the treats to reappear, they were back on shelves in 2020. They are available at select retailers nationwide.

