The Best Types Of Cheese To Store In The Freezer

Laying a bounty of specialty cheeses on the counter upon returning from the grocery store is a joyous experience. That is until you realize you can't use it all before it goes bad. As the joy from seeing your cheese-a-plenty transforms into fearful desperation, you wonder how bad it would be to stick a few wedges in the freezer to extend their shelf life — and which ones would freeze best.


To find out what the best types to store in the freezer are, we turned to an expert in this space. Dominick DiBartolomeo, Owner and President of The Cheese Store of Beverly Hills and Domenico's Foods, shared his insights into whether or not the freezer is a good home for cheese. He says that while you can put it in the icebox, it's not a good idea; the defrosting process will alter the texture and flavor.

However, sometimes it's a choice between freezing it and letting it turn. In those cases, DiBartolomeo suggests some varieties will do better than others in the freezer. He says, "If you really had to freeze a cheese, I would say anything grated would be acceptable or a triple crème because of the high amount of butter fat, it would freeze better than most cheeses but once again the texture will undoubtedly change."


Thaw cheese from the freezer in the fridge

If you find yourself in a situation where freezing your brie, Kunik, or grated parmesan, is the only way to save it from the trash, proper thawing is crucial. According to DiBartolomeo, minimizing the texture change requires a slow defrost at cooler temperatures. Thawing fat can change the consistency, which will affect both the texture and flavor of the cheese, so don't try to rush it. His advice: "Place the frozen cheese in the fridge for several hours or overnight."


It's also important to consider how long it should be kept in the freezer. Depending on how it's stored, it can last anywhere from two months to two weeks before it needs to be removed. Vacuum sealing grants you the longest time in the icebox but placing the cheese in a freezer bag means it should come out sooner. After all, as our expert also told us, incorrectly wrapping it is one of the biggest mistakes when storing cheese.

Cheese from the freezer is best in cooked dishes

As DiBartolomeo further explained, given that the consistency of the cheese will change somewhat and the flavor will lose some of its pop, it's best to use cheese from the freezer in, "cooked dishes, such as casseroles, soups, and sauces, where the texture change is less noticeable." For example, most of the things you would put Velveeta (though it's not technically cheese) into are perfect for using up the dairy from the freezer. 


Ideally, those fancy cheeses that can elevate your charcuterie board should be enjoyed without being frozen. DiBartolomeo's Instagram page is a cream-colored cornucopia of specialty cheeses from his shop that he would surely never consider freezing. Follow the expert's lead — instead of filling up a shopping cart with all the enticing varieties you see calling your name, find a few varieties that really speak to you and eat them while they're at their best.

