The Discontinued Little Debbie Dessert You Probably Forgot Existed

Some of our most treasured memories from childhood center around the sweet treats we enjoyed, and as we flourish into adulthood those tasty snacks still hold a special place in our hearts and bellies, frequently relished as comfort foods later in life. This makes it all the more devastating when we discover that one of those goodies is no longer available — not unlike the plethora of snacks from the 90s that likewise disappeared. 


One such dessert that you will have a hard time finding today is the Little Debbie Fudge Brownies with English Walnuts. The soft and chewy brownies topped with fudge icing balanced with a salty crunch from pieces of walnut were a fan-favorite for over 50 years, but around 2022, people began to notice their absence on store shelves. A thread on Reddit showcased some of the displeased reactions from folks about the vanishing act, with one poster lamenting, "I ate them for twenty years and like that they're gone." There was even a petition started on to encourage Little Debbie's parent company – McKee Foods — to bring back the popular treats that garnered over 10,000 signatures. 


Unfortunately, there has been no official word on a reemergence happening anytime soon. In the meantime, many have questioned what led to the discontinuation of the gooey burst of chocolate flavor they grew up adoring.

Why were the popular snacks discontinued?

McKee Foods never issued an official reason why Little Debbie Fudge Brownies with English Walnuts were taken out of production. It's unlikely they were discontinued for the same reason TaB soda was — because there wasn't really much competition in the packaged brownie space, but many have ventured to explain. According to the Little Debbie site, the walnut brownies were never among the top sellers, so maybe this was just the one that had to go. There's a bit less kid-centric appeal to the brownies compared to Nutty Bars or Star Crunch, and while they were never pitched as a healthy snack, kids apparently did not clamor as hard for the nuts as the hard-shell chocolate nibs topping the Cosmic Brownies. One could argue Kudos snack bars suffered from the same kind of Solomon's compromise. 


Another hypothesis is that supply chain issues could have prevented the company from sourcing the walnuts needed for the topping. And even if Little Debbie had a good line on getting them, at a certain point, cost constraints will lead a company to abandon a product, fanbase be darned. The cost of walnuts has increased over recent years from $4.48 per kilogram in 2019 to $4.82 in 2022. While 10% might not seem like much, considering that businesses often run on tight margins, even a small jump in walnut prices may have been enough to make its production unsustainable. 

Little Debbie brownies that are still available

Although you can still find some remaining English Walnut Fudge Brownies in some stores if you look hard enough, this is due to companies offloading what they already have in stock and won't be the case for long. However, Little Debbie does have fudgy alternatives that may satisfy your sweet tooth. Cosmic Brownies have been around since 1999, following the popular cosmic bowling trend of the late 90s. They feature a chewy, chocolatey brownie and fudge icing topped with vibrant candied chocolate chips.


If you are looking for a more modest brownie without any frills, Little Debbie Mini Brownies might be right up your alley. The bite-sized treats have a soft texture and offer a burst of rich chocolate flavor. They even come in a convenient pouch that makes them a perfect option for snacking on the go. There is also the Little Debbie Turtle Brownies. Because these delicacies are pan-baked, you tear into a crispy edge before sinking your teeth into a chewy center. Topped with caramel sauce and roasted peanut chunks, they offer a rich, sweet and salty balance in every bite.

If these surrogates aren't what you're looking for, you could try recreating the discontinued dessert at home. There are multiple copycat recipes online you can follow that may result in a product that closely resembles the original formula. If you succeed, you will have whipped up one of the little joys of childhood right in your kitchen.


