The Easiest Way To Freeze Your Bananas

We've all been there — bringing a bunch of bananas home from the grocery store with nothing but the best of intentions. You have plans for a decadent homemade banana bread, and maybe a smoothie or two. But before you know it, several days have passed and that bunch is still sitting on the counter, getting riper by the minute, and you still have no banana bread to show for it. The good news is, there's no need to let them get that far, nor toss them in the trash. It's incredibly easy to freeze your bananas — before they get overly ripe — for future use.


Once your bananas begin to show brown spots, they're ready to freeze. Don't freeze them with the peels on because you can't easily remove once frozen, and when they do thaw, extraction becomes a messy affair. Instead, peel them and place them whole or in chunks in an airtight, freezer-safe bag or container (don't throw those peels away, there are all kinds of interesting uses for banana peels, from tooth whitening to gardening). Your bananas should be frozen in two to three hours. It's a great meal-prepping hack, and while they're no longer great as a standalone snack, those frozen 'naners will be ready for a smoothie or worth waiting to thaw to mix into a loaf. 

What to make with frozen bananas

With their sweet flavor and creamy texture, bananas are the ultimate addition to smoothies, breads, and desserts. They're also loaded with potassium, which, according to Cleveland Clinic, is linked to a lowered risk of high blood pressure and stroke. And as if that isn't enough to convince you to stock up, bananas tend to be inexpensive and resistant to inflationary effects. This versatile and accessible fruit (which is actually classified as a berry, who knew?) is the perfect food to have on-hand if you want to whip up a quick snack.


But the banana love doesn't have to stop there! There are so many delicious things you can make with bananas (ever tried banana ketchup?). Try dipping your frozen bananas in melted chocolate and then sprinkling them with nuts for a wholesome treat. Return them to the freezer until the chocolate has frozen before eating. If you like that idea but prefer a different format, try some banana bark. This fun snack can be customized to your tastes (make it super sweet by adding chocolate and caramel, or keep it nutritious by using peanut butter). You can also turn your frozen bananas into tasty banana ice cream. Top with your favorite berries and chopped nuts and dig in.

