The Summer Vegetable You Should Start Adding To Homemade Ice Cream

Homemade ice cream is a great canvas to try new flavor combinations, and even if you're not feeling adventurous enough to try, say, olive oil ice cream, there are lots of crowd-pleasing ingredients to turn into a cold dessert. One such ingredient that may have so far flown under your radar but is being enjoyed as an ice cream and dessert flavor in several countries is corn.


Making corn ice cream is a simple process. And looking to TikTok creator @daywithmei's video, you'll find that all the parts of an ear, including the husk and the silk, can help flavor the dessert, giving it additional depth and creaminess.


Sweet Corn Ice Cream 🌽🍨 My take on corn ice cream uses the entire ear of corn, including the silky fibers, husks, and cob. If you haven't tried this sweet corn ice cream it's a subtle and fresh flavor. Full recipe is on my blog

♬ original sound – Mei

Pairing it is also easy because corn yields an ice cream that has a delicate sweet flavor. Whether it's summertime (peak sweet corn season) or you're breaking out cans of niblets for Thanksgiving, sweet corn ice cream is a dessert you need to include on your menu.


Sweet corn in desserts is more popular than you think

Desserts that employ corn's sweet flavor are quite popular in several countries already. In Vietnam and Thailand, sweet corn kernels are mixed with coconut milk to make a sweet pudding, while other places pair them with ice cream. In Korea, sweet corn ice cream is iconic and Lotte, one commercial producer of corn ice cream pops, molds them in the shape of a corn cob. Closer to home, in Mexico, you can find street vendors selling helado de elote, which are often further sweetened with condensed milk and flavored with cinnamon or vanilla.


Though not (yet!) mainstream in the U.S., sweet corn ice cream is starting to build a following. For potential fans, their first taste of it is likely to come from artisanal ice cream makers that incorporate sweet corn, like Ohio-based Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams, which churns out a delectable sweet corn and black raspberry flavor. However, once you realize how easy it is to make, you'll probably want to whip up some sweet corn ice cream at home.

Homemade sweet corn ice cream using the kernels, husk, silk, and cob

Sweet corn ice cream starts with the ripest, sweetest corn you can find; since it is the main flavoring ingredient, it's best to use fresh corn that's in season. Get an entire ear instead of pre-shucked kernels because different parts of the ear can be used to elevate the ice cream's flavor and texture.


Steeping corn in milk elevates the sweetness of the veg, so once you've shucked that ear, dunk the kernels and the shucked cob in hot milk and butter, both to tenderize the kernels and give it a luscious popcorn-y flavor. Corn silk also lends a light sweetness, so add that to the milk mixture when making corn ice cream. For some earthy notes to balance the sweetness, add in corn husks that have been roasted till charred in the oven.

Let the mixture steep for a few hours (or even overnight) so the flavors blend together and then use it to make homemade ice cream. You will be rewarded with a sweet, creamy ice cream that can be eaten as is or used as a starting point for more creative desserts. Consider garnishing it with caramel popcorn or some chili crisp sauce and join the sweet corn ice cream fan club.


